
前两节,我们通过阅读Breaking through Three Common Engineering Myths这篇文章第一部分中的两段话,总结了词汇学习的一些方法。今天我给你介绍英语学习过程中常用的一种训练方法,既可以在阅读中加深对于词汇的理解,也可以强化句子模仿写作的能力,这是跨越阅读和写作两项技能的练习法,英文叫做paraphrase。


我们先来看一下朗文词典里对于paraphrase的英文解释:to express in a shorter, clearer, or different way what someone has said or written,“用更加简洁、更加清晰或者不同的方式来复述别人已经说过或写过的话”。换句话说,就是把别人说过的话或写的文章,用你自己的语言、以另一种不同的方式表达出来。我们权且称之为“改写”。







例句:Small animals, such as rats and birds, are often the victims of predatory animals like cats.
改写:Cats usually eat mice and other small animals.


第一类方法,进行同义词替换或词性替换。我们在前面总结词汇学习方法时专门强调过,学习词汇的时候要关注词典里的同义词和反义词,也要特别关注词典里提示的词汇家族(word family,也就是词性转换)。这其实就是在为语言的多样性和灵活性打好基础。有了丰富的同义词、反义词和各种词性的储备,我们就可以用其他的同义词或近义词来替换原句中的一些关键词,也可以在改变结构的情况下使用反义词替换,还可以在动词、名词、动名词之间来回替换。




在我们开始着手逐句做换词练习之前,我先来明确一个paraphrase训练的基本原则,也就是“由繁变简”的原则。做paraphrase的目的是让生僻的词汇变得易懂、让复杂的句子变得简单,而不是相反。所以,我们没有必要把每个词都替换掉,特别是没有必要去替换你已经非常熟悉的常用词汇。例如,parents你就没有必要换成mother and father,这是为了改写而改写,不符合这个练习的基本原则和训练目的。




我们利用这篇文章第三部分Myth: Engineers Are Very Logical and Not Creative的前两段,来进行逐句换词。句子结构先保持不变,我们下节课再讲。


This one seems to make sense – if engineers were creative, wouldn’t they have decided to be artists, writers, or some other "Fine Arts" profession? Wrong!


第二个词make sense是常用的固定搭配的动词短语,朗文词典给出的英文解释是to have a clear meaning and be easy to understand,我们学习词汇的时候需要把这个解释抄下来,想想怎么用这个解释去paraphrase句子。

第三个词是fine arts,是一个名词短语。这个短语也需要我们查一下词典,了解一下它的英文解释。朗文词典的解释是forms of art, especially paintings or sculpture, that are produced and admired for their beauty and high quality,特指“纯粹供欣赏的绘画或雕塑”,同时提示它的反义词是applied art,指出了纯美术和应用美术(或实用艺术)之间的差别。

第四个词是profession。朗文词典除了给出了它的英文解释a job that needs a high level of education and training以外,还特别提示了固定搭配短语enter/go into/join a profession。这一点我们也可以记住,方便之后使用。


The third myth seems easy to understand – if engineers were creative, wouldn’t they have decided to be artists, writers, or entered professions like paintings or sculpture? Wrong!



The key word in being creative is right there – to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes that influence people every day.

一看到being creative,我们马上就可以联想到它的word family里的家族成员。借助朗文词典,我们可以找到所有相关联的单词:(noun) creation creativity creator creativeness (adjective) creative ≠ uncreative (verb) create recreate (adverb) creatively,然后你就可以灵活地来运用这些词了。

我会用creativity来替换being creative。另外,前面用的key word这个短语也可以替换成essence或者直接缩略成key也可以。后面半句话的词都很简单,不用换词,或者我们也可以把influence换成affect。改写后的句子为:

The essence of creativity is to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes that affect people every day.


Whether your work goes into consumer applications, devices, or machines, the end product of engineering work is used by other people.

首先,我们还是先看不太起眼的动词短语go into,朗文词典给出的解释是TIME/MONEY/EFFORT to be spent or used to get, make, or do something,此外还给出了两个带有语音朗读的例句,Years of research have gone into this book,“此书编写经过多年的研究”;以及A great deal of time and effort has gone into ensuring that the event runs smoothly,“为了确保活动顺利进行,花费了大量的时间和精力”。

此外,我们还可以把end product替换成final result。改写后的句子就变成:

Whether your effort was spent to create consumer applications, devices, or machines, the final result of engineering work is used by other people.


If engineers suppressed their creativity, they would miss out on a lot of insights into ways to solve problems than they otherwise would.

同样的方法,我们查到suppress的英文解释是to prevent something from growing or developing, or from working effectively。动词短语miss out的解释是to not have the chance to do something that you enjoy and that would be good for you。insight的解释是a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea。然后,我们可以利用这些解释把原句的词汇替换掉。

If engineers prevented their creativity from developing, they would not have the chance to have a clear understanding of ways to solve problems than they otherwise would.


Every day, engineers need to find new ways to think outside the box to tackle new challenges.

查一下固定搭配短语think outside the box,英文解释是to think of new, different, or unusual ways of doing something, especially in business,发现这里意思其实和前面find new ways to重复了,可以省略;tackle的意思to try to deal with a difficult problem。这句话可以改写成:

Every day, engineers need to find new ways to deal with new problems.


They have the fabulous opportunity and responsibility of imagining ways in which the world could be different and then creating ways to make that happen.


第一个意思是extremely good or impressive,同义词为wonderful。

第二个意思是very large in amount or size,同义词是huge。fabulous在句子里同时管了后面两个名词,但你会发现opportunity搭配的应该是第一个意思,表示“很好的机会”,但responsibility则对应的是第二个意思,表示“很大的责任”。我们强调过,形容词像色彩一样,关键在于体会不同环境中细微的情感差别。


Engineers have the wonderful opportunity and huge responsibility of imagining ways in which the world could be different and then creating ways to make that happen.


That is at the heart of what creativity is all about and it should be inspiring and exciting for engineers. For example, engineering innovations have been a big part of healthcare improvement over the years. From data analysis to efficient software systems, to surgery machines, to providing treatment tracking and recommendations, engineering truly saves lives daily.

第一个词汇也是固定搭配的短语,查阅朗文词典可以找到一个动词短语,lie at the heart/centre/root of something,意思是to be the most important part of something, especially the main cause of it。

第二组词汇是inspiring和exciting,inspiring的英文解释是giving people a feeling of excitement and a desire to do something great。我们可以发现,这个解释里本身带有exciting的意思,可见两个词是同义词。看到这种由动词变来的形容词,我们可以考虑把它们变回动词,如果不太熟悉inspire的意思,可以查一下,解释是to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something,因此可以用encourage来替代。



That is the most important part of creativity and it encourages engineers to do great things. For example, engineering innovations have greatly improved healthcare over the years. From data analysis to efficient software systems, to surgery machines, to providing treatment tracking and recommendations, engineering truly saves lives daily.








The third myth seems easy to understand – if engineers were creative, wouldn’t they have decided to be artists, writers, or entered professions like paintings or sculpture? Wrong! The essence of creativity is to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes that affect people every day. Whether your effort was spent to create consumer applications, devices, or machines, the final result of engineering work is used by other people. If engineers prevented their creativity from developing, they would not have the chance to have a clear understanding of ways to solve problems than they otherwise would.

Every day, engineers need to find new ways to deal with new problems. Engineers have the wonderful opportunity and huge responsibility of imagining ways in which the world could be different and then creating ways to make that happen. That is the most important part of creativity and it encourages engineers to do great things. For example, engineering innovations have greatly improved healthcare over the years. From data analysis to efficient software systems, to surgery machines, to providing treatment tracking and recommendations, engineering truly saves lives daily.
