

  1. 万丈高楼平地起。一栋楼能盖多高,一座大桥能造多长,重要的是它们的地基。同样对于技术人员来说,基础知识越扎实,走得就会越远。

  2. 计算机技术太多了,但是仔细分析你会发现,只是表现形式很多,而基础技术并不多。学好基础技术,能让你一通百通,更快地使用各种新技术,从而可以更轻松地与时代同行。

  3. 很多分布式系统架构,以及高可用、高性能、高并发的解决方案基本都可以在基础技术上找到它们的身影。所以,学习基础技术能让你更好地掌握更高维度的技术。









第四,高标准要求自己。只有不断地提高标准 ,你才可能越走越高,所以,要以高标准要求自己,不断地反思、总结和审视自己,才能够提升自己





0 - you are unfamiliar with the subject area.

1 - you can read / understand the most fundamental aspects of the subject area.

2 - ability to implement small changes, understand basic principles and able to figure out additional details with minimal help.

3 - basic proficiency in a subject area without relying on help.

4 - you are comfortable with the subject area and all routine work on it:
For software areas - ability to develop medium programs using all basic language features w/o book, awareness of more esoteric features (with book).

For systems areas - understanding of many fundamentals of networking and systems administration, ability to run a small network of systems including recovery, debugging and nontrivial troubleshooting that relies on the knowledge of internals.

5 - an even lower degree of reliance on reference materials. Deeper skills in a field or specific technology in the subject area.

6 - ability to develop large programs and systems from scratch. Understanding of low level details and internals. Ability to design / deploy most large, distributed systems from scratch.

7 - you understand and make use of most lesser known language features, technologies, and associated internals. Ability to automate significant amounts of systems administration.

8 - deep understanding of corner cases, esoteric features, protocols and systems including “theory of operation”. Demonstrated ability to design, deploy and own very critical or large infrastructure, build accompanying automation.

9 - could have written the book about the subject area but didn’t; works with standards committees on defining new standards and methodologies.

10 - wrote the book on the subject area (there actually has to be a book). Recognized industry expert in the field, might have invented it.

Subject Areas: